Allamanda (Allamanda cathartica)

Allamanda, golden trumpet, common trumpetvine, yellow allamanda

Allamanda isn’t your everyday houseplant. This tropical gem craves warm, moist summers to truly flourish. While it naturally climbs, eager for support, it can also be nurtured as a petite shrub. Spring is its planting season, and though some varieties are cultivated to stay compact, Allamanda generally leans towards a grander stature, mirroring the robust shrubs of its native habitat.

But the crowning glory of growing Allamanda indoors? The blooms. The Allamanda cathartica variety, in particular, showcases radiant, buttery yellow flowers. These blossoms, crowned with a rich brown center and enveloped by a heady scent, nestle amidst glossy foliage. In its blooming prime, the plant proudly dons these sizable flowers, making it a cherished jewel in any gardener’s collection.

Care Guide

Allamanda can be a touch sensitive when grown indoors. These tropical beauties don’t take kindly to chilly drafts or insufficient watering, often shedding leaves in protest. Furthermore, they only burst into bloom when basking in ample warmth. Hence, garden enthusiasts in cooler regions often choose to nurture Allamanda in greenhouses or conservatories.

Winter proves the most challenging season for Allamanda care. Even homes that stay warm can have arid atmospheres during this time. To prevent leaf drop, a common distress signal from the plant, make sure to mist your Allamanda regularly, ensuring it retains its lush appearance throughout the colder months.


Allamanda thrives under robust lighting conditions, even welcoming a touch of direct sunlight. For optimal flowering, make sure it basks in either full sun or, if indoors, position it near an east-facing window where it can soak up the morning rays.


Opt for a nutrient-dense, peat-based potting mix that offers superb drainage capabilities.


During the sunny summer days, shower your Allamanda with plenty of water, ensuring its container drains well. To mimic its natural humid environment, a spritz of mist every couple of days can do wonders. As winter rolls in, decrease the watering frequency, but keep the soil slightly moist and the roots snugly warm.


Throughout its growth phase, pamper your plant with diluted liquid fertilizer. However, as the chilly winter winds blow, cut back the feeding frequency to about once a month.

Propagating Allamanda

Eager to multiply your Allamanda? Stem tip cuttings are your best bet! Begin early in the growing season, choosing a vibrant green shoot. For optimal rooting, dip your cutting into a rooting hormone. Nestle this cutting into a fresh seed-starting mix. Position it in a cozy, humid spot with bottom heating. Once you see new sprouts, it’s time to transition it into a more spacious pot.

Repotting Essentials

Springtime, with its fresh sprouts, is perfect for repotting your Allamanda. Upgrade to a roomier pot, and if your Allamanda seems to need a little assistance standing tall, offer it some support. Though it can flourish as a modest shrub, letting it ascend a support and allowing slight trailing truly amplifies its stunning bloom display.

Pests & Diseases

A watchful eye is essential! Allamanda tends to attract unwelcome guests like aphids and mealybugs. Regularly inspect for leaf damage or other pest signs. At the first hint of trouble, treat with insecticidal soap and repeat weekly until your plant is pest-free.


Diving into the world of Allamanda, one discovers more than a dozen species. Yet, standing tall among them is the Allamanda cathartica, often dubbed the “golden trumpet.” This variety is a favorite in both tropical and subtropical landscapes. Here’s a glimpse into some of its star sub-varieties:

  • ‘Grandiflora’: As its name suggests, this variant is truly grand. Its striking large yellow blooms make it a gardener’s delight.
  • ‘Hendersonii’: This beauty combines the allure of red buds with luminous golden petals.
  • ‘Flore Pleno’: A garden showstopper, ‘Flore Pleno’ dazzles with its plush double white blossoms.
  • ‘Williamsii’: Continually drawing eyes with its vibrant double yellow, trumpet-like flowers, this variety blooms throughout the year. Gardeners, take note of its milky sap – it can be toxic.

Allamanda (Allamanda cathartica) Information

Common name
Allamanda, golden trumpet, common trumpetvine, yellow allamanda
Botanical name
Allamanda cathartica
Plant type
South America
Hardiness zone
10 - 11
Light requirement
Full, partial
Soil type
Soil pH
Flowering period
Summer, fall
10-20 ft
3-6 ft.
Flower color